How to Do Proper Bike Maintenance: Tips and Tricks for a Smooth Ride

Proper maintenance will ensure the longevity and constant performance of your bicycle. But you have to ensure the right maintenance process to keep your beloved bicycle in pristine condition.

That is why I have discussed bike maintenance tips and tricks for a smooth ride in this guide. To do so, you should go through the following activities at regular intervals.

● Clean your bike
● Keep the saddle parallel
● Lubricate pedal bearing
● Lubricate the drivetrain
● Keep tires in good shape.

In this blog, I will discuss everything about bike maintenance in detail. This will help you to ensure the maintenance process in the right manner. Also, I will show you what happens if not taken care of with effective measures.

Why Do You Need to Take Care of My Bike?

If you are maintaining your bike in the right way, there are a lot of benefits you can obtain. They are such –

Better Performance:

The longer you are going to ride a bike, the less the performance will become. It totally depends on how you are tuning and maintaining your bike. Since I am properly maintaining my bike, I get good performance with it. No need to worry about my suspension; great speed, and the shifting is also swift. Without proper maintenance, many parts of your bike start to reduce, generating their performance. Because of that, you may find less speed, turning can be rusty, and many more problems. But if you do proper maintenance, you will almost get the performance of an almost new bike. I will not say it will give the exact, but it will provide better performances.


Let’s say you are a mountain biker, and one day you are doing some hardtail mountain biking. Suddenly, your suspension gave up on you. What will happen? Yes, you are right; an accident. Sounds dangerous, doesn’t it? If you watch professional bikers, you will see them constantly trying to maintain their bike well. And this is all because of a safe ride. So, maintaining your bike is an essential part if you want to always be safe. It is different from how you have to maintain them every day. To ensure your safety, you can do it almost often.

Increase of Confidence:

Doing proper maintenance can expand your confidence level a lot. I have an excellent reason for that. If you know all the parts of your bike are okay, that means you are now totally free. Also, you can ride your bike the way you want. Maintaining a bike is just like attaching a connection between the rider and the bike. So, feel free to gain confidence and ride the bike independently. It totally gives you all the relief to explore new routes and tackle challenging terrains.

Increasing Durability:

If you buy a bike and do not maintain it correctly, the components will not last after 5,000-10,000 miles. You need to either change the components or fix them. Sometimes, after a dreadful loss, fixing that component is not a solution. But with the proper maintenance, you can quickly go for 30,000+ miles. In fact, you do not have to change your components because they are well- maintained. As you can see, well-maintained bikes have better durability than the ones with less maintenance. I will suggest you go for care while your components are okay. It is like what all say, “The sooner, the better.”


If you buy a bike and do not maintain it correctly, the components will not last after 5,000-10,000 miles. You need to either change the components or fix them. Sometimes, after a dreadful loss, fixing that component is not a solution. But with the proper maintenance, you can quickly go for 30,000+ miles. In fact, you do not have to change your components because they are well- maintained. As you can see, well-maintained bikes have better durability than the ones with less maintenance. I will suggest you go for care while your components are okay. It is like what all say, “The sooner, the better.” Cost-Effectiveness: What do you think is more costly, maintaining the components of a bike or buying new components after wasting the previous ones? Of course, buying new components is costlier. That is why you should ensure proper maintenance of your bicycle. Maintaining will not only increase the effectiveness of your riding but also will reduce the cost to a minimum. Also, you will have great ideas after you understand the components that are meant to be maintained. Having self-experience is the best thing, rather than just buying new stuff.

That is why I suggest people maintain their bikes rather than buy new components every now and then. It is just a waste of money.

Bike Maintenance: Self Vs. Professional

Bike maintenance depends on several factors. Some people love to ride the bike but go to the professionals when they need care. And others maintain the bikes by themselves. They both are okay as long as they are maintaining the bike properly. Here are some differences between self-maintenance and professional maintenance that will clear the thoughts totally –

Self-Maintenance Professional Maintenance
The owners of the bicycles will put effort into maintaining their bicycles properly.
The professionals will put in the effort, but less than the owners do for their bikes. ● Sometimes, they will do fast services when they are under a load of pressure.
You need to gain a lot of knowledge to do proper maintenance on your bike.
Since they are professionals, they come into this field with a lot of knowledge.
Self-maintenance sometimes takes you out of luck. You may need some repair tools in your home to repair a part of your bike.
A professional bike maintenance shop will always have the proper repair tools. So, if you need any repair, they will get your back.
To buy the repair tools, there is a lot of investment. You must go for a one-time investment if you want proper maintenance at home.
Professionals get into this business with the investment. That is why they will always have those tools. So, no investment later on.
Servicing your bike will take the time that you are spending on the tuneups.
You may give your bike to a servicing center for days and may only get a proper servicing after that time.
There is a feeling of independence when maintaining your bike and riding it freely.
You may feel uncomfortable adjusting your serviced bike at the beginning. It will happen if you do the maintenance from a shop.

How to Do Bike Maintenance: Tips and Tricks for a Smooth Ride

A bicycle needs some essential aspects to get maintenance for everyone and me. But how will you maintain your bike?
To maintain a bike, you need some tool kits and learn the process. If you do it properly, then you are good with your bike maintenance.
Bicycle Problems First:
There is an easy way for me to understand that my bicycle needs maintenance when I hear some squeaky noises. In short, it sounds unusual. Here are some of the typical sound issues that I have found –
● Noisy Brake Sounds: Because of either dirt or oil on the brake pads, you may get noisy brake sounds, kind of squealing.
● Tapping Wheels: If your spoke somehow breaks or loosens, there will be a creaking sound. If this occurs, your cycle definitely needs maintenance.
● Sounds While Pedaling: Your pedal may sound while pedaling because of several factors. They are – dry bearings, crank arms loose, worn-out, or dry bottom brackets.
● Moving Saddle: Because of the loose bolts, the saddle of the seat post may click or move.
● Squeaky Derailleur: The lack of lubrication to the pulleys can create this noise.
● Mistuning of Drivetrain: The improper tuning of the drivetrain causes shifting issues, chain slippage, and excessive noise. As a result, it even reduces the efficiency of your bicycle.
Tool Kits for Bike Maintenance

To solve the above problems, you need some essential bicycle tools. Without them, doing proper maintenance may become tough. Here are all the tool kits for your bike maintenance –

Allen Key Set: If you need any type of components adjusted, the Allen Key Set is here to rescue you.

Wrenches: There are various ranges of wrenches out there. As far as I have used, most of the wrenches needed are 8mm to 10mm and 15mm.
Chain Tool: With the help of the chain tool, you can easily break the links of the chains that got snapped or too long.
● Track Pump: Track pumps can help you to inflate your tires with a Schrader and Presta valve-compatible track pump.
Cable Cutters: If you need to snip extra-long brake cables or zip ties with a clean cut, cable cutters are here.
Two-Way Screwdriver: Sometimes, if you want to remove screws or for other necessary stuff, Flathead and Phillips screwdrivers are the best.

Solution of the Problems and Proper Bike Maintenance:

Bike problems are common to people like us who ride bikes every day. If you want to have a safe ride, it is also essential to maintain your bike. So, that is why I have the solutions that you need to maintain your bike properly –

1. Clean Your Bike By Washing It

Dirt is mostly the cause of the disruption of your cycling. I face a lot of problems while riding a bike. Do you know what happens when the dirt stays on your bike? It will eat through your mechanical parts. There are many problems that you have found before, such as brake sounds, tapping wheels, etc. The root cause is, of course, the dirt. So, to prevent this problem, you must clean your bike properly. All you need to do is take a bucket, water, soap, sponge, and clothes to clean, and that is all. By washing all the dirt away, you are relieving your cycle from unusability. You can also use a hose pipe from your house’s outer hydrant source to wash your bike. Here’s a video of how you can wash your bike efficiently.

The 5 Minute Bike Wash - How To Clean Your Bike In A Hurry

2. Keep Your Saddle Parallel to Your Center of Handle

The problem I used to face for not keeping my saddle parallel to my center of handle is the cycle used to seem a bit bending. Your back will not be straight if your saddle is bending. This can cause many problems, such as back pain. Sometimes, the loose bolt can make a little bit of squeaking sounds, too. To solve these problems, you need to adjust the saddle parallel to the center of the handle. After that, tighten the bolt until the saddle is firmly secured.

3. Lubricate Your Pedal Bearings

Have you ever found it hard to pedal? You may face it for several reasons, such as the pedal bearing’s dryness, crank arms loosening, etc. To solve this issue, you can try removing and lubricating the pedal bearings. This will help the pedals to be smooth. As I lubricate my pedal’s bearings, I feel very light when I ride on the road with my cycle. Moreover, you can lubricate the crank arms or replace the bottom bracket. They are also great solutions to this problem.

4. Lubricate the Derailleur

The derailleur is one of the most essential things of a bike. So, making sure it is okay is one of the first things that should be on your mind. Inspect the derailleur for any problems. If you find any problems, as I mentioned earlier, then you need to lubricate the moving parts, such as the pivot points. For regular clean-up, use a mild degreaser and soft brush. This will help to remove any dirt, grease, and debris build up in it.

5. Keep the Tires Good

While cycling, good condition of tires is necessary to ride on the road. For instance, an accident may occur if you have a leak in your tire. To maintain the tires, I always follow some regular ways such as –

● Regular Inspection: Inspecting the tires is essential. As I said earlier, any leakage in the tire is a sign of trouble. So, try to check the tires every time before you go out.
● Proper Inflation: Giving too much or too little pressure to the tire can cause disruption in cycling. So, always try to give pressure as the sidewall of the tire says. Check the air pressure by squeezing the tires.

● Check the Valve Caps: Ensuring valve caps can help your cycle out of dirt and debris. As the valve mechanism is an essential part of the bicycle, you need to have one or clean it properly every time you come from cycling outside.
● Clean the Tires: Cleaning the tires properly can give you smooth riding. As we all know, the tires have friction as they have curved lines.
The lines provide friction by grabbing the ground. If the lines get mud inside, then the friction will not occur. Thus, the brakes will not work properly, creating an accident.
So, make sure you clean your tires after every dusty and muddy ride.

6. Clean and Lubricate the drivetrain
If you are not getting any smooth shifting, that means your drivetrain is wrecked. Now, to make sure the drivetrain is well maintained, I always look for potential cleanups and lubricants.
Clean the Drivetrain Properly:

● First, you need to turn the bike upside down where the handlebars and the saddle will hold the bike.
● After that, you need to remove the wheels so that you can clean the drivetrain properly and easily.
● Next, try to use a degreaser. This will help to break down dirt, grease, and debris stuck with the drivetrain.
● After some time, you need to brush and scrub out the diets that got degraded from the drivetrain.

Lubricate the Drivetrain:

Only cleaning the drivetrain may not provide you with a smooth ride. Sometimes, you may hear some squeaky sound from your shifting.

● To lubricate, first, you need to buy a lubricant proper for the bicycle. Try to use lubricant depending on the weather conditions. What I mean is, if it is rainy, try to use wet lubricants, and if it is dry season, try using dry lubricants.
● Do not apply lubricant as a whole. Apply a small portion only in the chain link while turning the pedals backward.
● If there are any excess lubricants, then try to wipe them out.

7. Tune the Drivetrain, Gears, and Brakes

Tuning the drivetrain, gears, and brakes can be one of the most essential tasks when you are doing bike maintenance. If you make a mistake, you need to do the tuning again.

Tune the Drivetrain:

● First, set up the bike by placing it on a stand. You can lift the rear wheel off the ground to do it, too.
● Check whether the high and low limit screws are properly set or not. If the derailleurs are not aligned properly, you need to go for a
● Also, make sure to check the cable tensions of the gears. You can shift to the smallest chainring in the front and the longest cog in the rear. If the chain does not work properly, then go for the barrel adjuster to increase cable tensions.
● You can check whether the gears working properly or not by sifting through them. If there is any problem occurring, check out the drivetrain, as I have mentioned earlier.

Tune the Brakes:
● Always make sure your brake pads are not worn out. If they are, then you need to do a replacement.

● For hydraulic brakes, I always make sure to check the brake fluid reservoir. This helps me to ensure whether it is at the recommended level or not. Add fluid if it is lower than the recommendation.

People who use mechanical brakes should ensure the cables are properly tensioned or not. You can check it by squeezing the brake lever.

● In the hydraulic brake system, your pad should be properly aligned with the rotor. Adjust it to the caliper position if the pad is not properly aligned. For the mechanical brake user, you need to make the brake pads aligned with the rim. If it hits squarely and evenly on both sides, you are good to go.

● Also, make sure you adjust the caliper position using caliper adjustment knobs if the rotor rubs against the brake pads. This goes for both mechanical and hydraulic brakes.

How Often Do I Need to Maintain My Bike?

It depends on several factors when you need to maintain your bike. The weather conditions, the trail you're going through, and many other things come to answer this question.

Every month is the best way to maintain your bike. But you may do it before or after that time too. Here are some factors that I would like you to follow up on to find the maintenance time –
● Inspect your bike almost regularly if you are a regular rider.
● If you find unclean suspensions, it is the right time for you to do some maintenance.
● Brakes and gears are essential. Look for maintenance if they are showing any disruptions.
● Bolts are the key to the cycle formation. If one bolt loosens, this means a hassle-free ride. At that time, you actually need to go for bike maintenance.

Frequently Asked Questions

● First, set up the bike by placing it on a stand. You can lift the rear wheel off the ground to do it, too. 

● Check whether the high and low limit screws are properly set or not. If the derailleurs are not aligned properly, you need to go for a service. 

● Also, make sure to check the cable tensions of the gears. You can shift to the smallest chainring in the front and the longest cog in the rear. If the chain does not work properly, then go for the barrel adjuster to increase cable tensions. 

● You can check whether the gears working properly or not by sifting through them. If there is any problem occurring, check out the drivetrain, as I have mentioned earlier.

Here are some relevant questions that many new cyclists also ask about the maintenance of bicycles. I have answered them. Have a look, please.

1. Can I Clean My Bike Every Day?

I believe after clearing your bike once properly, it does not need any maintenance for around a month or so. But you should always be prepared and have an inspection after every ride. By the way, you don’t need to wash your bike daily. You can wipe off any dirt or debris after everyday use with a rag.

2. Is It Okay to Wash My Bike with Water?

It is totally fine if you wash your bike with water. You can use a hose and rinse your bike with it. But keep in mind that putting too much pressure can bend your bike or create problems inside. So, keep the pressure a bit low.

Final Thoughts:

Maintaining a bike is essential if you love riding a bicycle. Because with proper bike maintenance, you can easily make your riding life beautiful, smooth, and friendly. So, by learning how to do proper bike maintenance, you will make sure that nothing bad will happen when you are on the road. Make sure to do as I said in this guide, and your bike will be in great condition afterward.

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